Currently, I am 16 weeks. I knew pregnancy wouldn't be 'easy' but I find it to be EXTREMELY difficult. I found out I was pregnant on January 8th. I was so happy b/c I felt great, I was working out, didn't feel sick...I got my hopes up. Then on approximately Jan 15th 'shit hit the fan'. I think it may have been triggered by a flu bug but I started throwing up 5-10 times/day. My doctor put me on a plethera of medications for nausea: zofran, reglan, suppositories, remeron, unisom. Nothing helped. At the time, she kept reassuring me that I would feel SO much better by week 15/16, that I would have renewed energy and not hardly be throwing up. Guess what? I have never been more miserable in my entire life. I feel like I have the worst hangover of my life every day. It has gotten better in the sense that I am only throwing up around twice a day now, as opposed to several. Also, I did have to go in for IV fluids twice for dehydration for not keeping anything down. I don't think losing 12 lbs is ideal for pregnancy, either. It has been about a month or so since I had to go in for fluids. I still take zofran. It doesn't help much but I think I take it for psychological purposes...I fell even worse if I don't. An unfortunate side effect of zofran is constipation. An unfortuante side effect of pregnancy is constipation. An unfortunate side effect of my lifelong disease, ulcerative colitis, is constipation. Needless to say, "I'm more backed up than a trucker". Going "No.2" is like wrestling out a cement football. And not the cement before it sets...I'm talking hard concrete.
I wish i were one of those women who "glow" with pregnancy and claim they've never felt better. I feel I look as miserable as Bella from Twilight when she got knocked up - and she looked like crap. The only thing I can really look forward to is that it WILL be over by September and after it's over, I am convinced I will never want to go through this again. I can't tell you how many times I have heard the phrase "it's worth it". It's also surprising how ppl get so excited about pregnancy even knowing how miserable I am. In an office of 25 women, I have heard almost every single one of their stories of pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding....and so forth. I never ask for this's voluntarily given. I am just the recipient.
In the meantime I am quite sure this baby is SO healthy. It took away 12 lbs of me in the first trimester and has been making me sick ever since. It's gotta be the strongest parasite I know. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy I'm having a baby, it's just hard to be ecstatic about something that's eating you alive. Once this is all over, i'll probably be the happiest person alive.