Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I forgot to mention - i think im feeling the baby move

baby, is that you?

Well, my trip to Omaha last weekend was a bust.  I got lost on the way there, got a $60 parking ticket and we had to come back early.  I felt so sick the whole time we were there...i knew we shouldn't have gone.  I had hoped I would feel better progressively, but i actually got progressively worse.  We arrived early Saturday afternoon.  On sunday at 4am, I woke up and started vomiting.  Since it really wasn't letting up, I called the on-call doctor at 930.  He said I needed to come in.  I was also having abdominal pain and they were worried it could be my appendix.  So we drove home, i dropped the girls off and went to the Sanford ER.  They treated me for nausea and I got an ultrasound.  I got to see the baby and it looked good and I think i know what it is - pretty sure I saw boy parts.  it's possible my abdominal pain is from ligaments stretching in my uterus.

I stayed home sick on Monday since I was basically comatose.  I still feel downright miserable.  Since my OB appt a week ago, I lost 6 lbs.  The nurse practitioner told me to try B6.  I am...that's not working - big surprise. 

In the meantime, I sit miserable at work.